All I Got for Christmas Was…

White Collar season two DVD.

YES! I got exactly what I wanted for Christmas!

Neal Caffrey.  Well, White Collar season two.

Remember how I said I really wanted White Collar for my birthday?  Well, I found out today that they lied to me about everything!  My brother knew I wanted the DVD more than anything, so, being the stinker that he is, he decided to hold off on giving it to me.  He said, “Oh, she can wait five more days!”

See what I have to live with!  Making me suffer like that.  How rude of him!  I mean, I know five days isn’t that long, but those five days could have been spent watching the second season!  That’s five days I could have spent swooning over the brilliant acting and charming ways of Matthew Bomer (the actor that plays Neal Caffrey).

Needless to say, I got what I wanted and then some.  Christmas is perfect.  The family was laughing and really enjoying themselves.  Oh, and, according to them, the look on my face was priceless when I opened the DVD.  Granted, I’m sure the best look my face wore today was a slightly annoyed cocked brow when my mother let me in on my brother’s crafty (and cruel) little secret.

I hope everyone else is getting what they want.  But, most importantly, I hope it’s a fun-filled day of laughter and joy.  After all, Christmas isn’t about the gifts we get, it’s about the true gift of having family, friends, and happiness.

All I Want for Christmas Is…

Poster for the TV series White Collar.
Promotional poster for the second half of White Collar season three.

Seeing as I didn’t get the gift I wanted the most for my birthday on December 20th, I guess I’ll have to beg and plead to get it for Christmas. According to the family, the gift I want is “impossible” to find, hence I didn’t get it. However, I know this isn’t true! I’ve found it in stores before, and, if all else fails, they could always order it online.

So, what exactly am I asking for? Well, it’s something that I know the whole family – mom, dad, brother, and I – would love. Last year I got the first season for my birthday and I believe we’ve watched the season at least four times. I’m sure it would have been more had I not been away at college for nine of the twelve months.

Needless to say, this TV series is quite the hit in my household. Airing on USA Network, White Collar is all about a FBI Agent named Peter Burke and his “trusty” partner Neal Caffrey, a con-artist turned FBI Consultant, and their crime fighting days in NYC.

Originally, I was the only one to love the series. My mother was the next one to fall in love with the characters and the show. And after I received season one on Blu-ray last year, my brother started to get hooked as did my father! Now, I need to state that my father is not exactly a TV watcher. He would much rather be counting sheep than watching some TV show. But when it comes to White Collar, he can’t get enough of it. You know he likes it when he makes side comments about my pausing the show for bathroom breaks or when I need to sneak a snack. Even my brother, who claims to dislike crime dramas, will wander into the living room when I put White Collar in the PlayStation3.

The days leading up to my birthday, all I did was talk about White Collar season two. I thought, for sure, I would unwrap it on the 20th and when I didn’t get the DVD (it didn’t come out on Blu-ray this season), I was more than disappointed. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for what I got, but I would have been the happiest woman in the world had I only been given White Collar. As I stated earlier on, I’m crossing my fingers and hoping I’ll get it for Christmas. If I don’t, it is safe to assume that I will be purchasing it next time I’m at BestBuy or Walmart. White Collar season two will be on my shelf sometime this year, I can promise you that! My family is counting on it as they’ve all been asking when we can watch the second season.

So, is there anything you’re begging for this year? I’m sure there is and here’s to hoping you get that gift!