Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

YES!  YES!  YES!   There is finally enough snow at my house to take pictures!  About time!  It’s the middle of winter!  However, there is one little problem.  I’m stuck at work.  Go figure.  Now, the last time it snowed and I was in this predicament, I waited to take pictures and I got nada.  It had all melted away by the time I got home.  So, I got up a bit earlier this morning (more like I was awoken early due to the snow coverage and the desire to have “extra time” to drive to work) and took a few shots of the wondrous coating that dusted our road and brought about a nice blue hue to my backyard.  For the record, I didn’t edit these.  My camera just captured them this way.

Oh, I guess I should probably state that I was inside the house taking these shots, which is why they aren’t anything spectacular.  I wasn’t about to go outside with dripping wet hair and no winter coat (I’m in the process of buying one).  So when you’re viewing these, imagine sitting in a nice, cozy, warm house.  Now if only I was sipping some hot chocolate….

Anyway, enjoy!

Picture of snowfall at night.

I was playing with my camera last night and took this from my bedroom. Pretty neat if you ask me!

Here's a shot of the snow from the living room window.

Here's what my backyard looks like. Can you tell I have a cat?

Here's another view from the kitchen of our backyard.